Achieving a More Inclusive Future : The Journey of Perpustakaan Jakarta dan Pusat Dokumen Sastra HB Jassin in Accessible Literacy and Disability Empowerment (By: Khairunnisa Rahayu)
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Achieving a More Inclusive Future : The Journey of Perpustakaan Jakarta dan Pusat Dokumen Sastra HB Jassin in Accessible Literacy and Disability Empowerment (By: Khairunnisa Rahayu)
Layanan Inklusi

Libraries have been recognized as hubs of lifelong learning, as highlighted in Indonesia’s Law Number 43 of 2007. This law regulates the management of library collections, including books and audio-visual resources, ensuring access to knowledge for all. Complementing this, Government Regulation Number 27 of 2019 on facilitating access to Copyrighted Works for Persons with Disabilities provides opportunities for individuals with disabilities to acquire and use a copyrighted work in accessible formats such as Braille, audiobooks, or other means without legal barriers, promoting inclusivity in accessing literacy. For these reasons, since 2022, Perpustakaan Jakarta dan Pusat Dokumen Sastra HB Jassin at Taman Ismail Marzuki has stood out for its commitment to inclusion. It goes beyond traditional services by providing inclusive programs and resources in order to empower individuals with diverse needs, initiating the spirit of equal access to education and information.

Layanan Inklusi: Accessible Literacy for All

To support this mission of inclusion, Perpustakaan Jakarta dan Pusat Dokumen Sastra HB Jassin introduced Layanan Inklusi (Inclusion Service). This service is designed to facilitate individuals with special needs, enabling them to explore and engage with the collections in the library based on their interests. Layanan Inklusi plays a crucial role in addressing solutions to accessible books, particularly for those with visual disability as a group that is the most impacted by the lack of accessible reading materials. To address this challenge, Perpustakaan Jakarta dan Pusat Dokumen Sastra HB Jassin collaborates with third-party institutions to supply the accessible reading materials now available in the Layanan Inklusi area. This partnership ensures a growing collection of resources that enhance equal access education and information for those most impacted by the limited access to accessible literacy.

Moreover, the collections available through the Layanan Inklusi includes Braille books, electronic books, and audiobooks, which can be accessed only in the Layanan Inklusi area, located on the 5th floor of Ali Sadikin Building, Taman Ismail Marzuki. For readers interested in the resources, the service provides specialized tools, such as audiobook player and file readers to facilitate access to these resources. There are approximately 6000 Braille books, 1000 audiobooks, and 500 electronic books that can be read by the readers. If the books the readers are looking for are not available in accessible formats, the staff in charge—who is non-disabled—will assist by reading the books for them.

In addition, 6 accessible computer units equipped with screen reader programs help blind users operate the computers independently. The accessible computer units function similarly to standard computers, but feature a screen reader with robotic voice that reads all text displayed on the screen, enabling the blind users to engage with digital content by themselves.

Layanan Inklusi displays the collections about disability perspectives in standard format books to increase the knowledge of those who are—non-disabled—related to the terms of disability and the related issues.

Layanan Inklusi also supports individuals with other disabilities, including those with hearing and speech impairments, physical and intellectual disabilities, and emotional or mental health problems. They are allowed to borrow books from any sections of the library as they can read books in standard formats, and they can use the Layanan Inklusi space as the comfortable area to read and engage with the collections.

Nevertheless, when Layanan Inklusi has no visitors with disabilities coming to enjoy the service, it is widely opened for those who are—non-disabled—to use the space of Layanan Inklusi to read, especially if other library areas are fully occupied. This flexible approach ensures the area is used efficiently while prioritizing its main purpose. They are also allowed to use facilities in Layanan Inklusi, such as computers with screen reader programs, audiobooks, and audiobook players, when they are interested in exploring the accessible collections with terms and conditions applied.


Empowering Library Staff through Trainings and Collaborations

Perpustakaan Jakarta dan Pusat Dokumen Sastra HB Jassin has organized training programs to build staff capacity in disability sensitivity. These programs aim to improve the library staff’s knowledge and skills needed to serve library visitors with diverse disabilities, including visual, hearing and speech, physical, intellectual, emotional, and/or mental disabilities. The activities familiarize the staff with disability-related concepts and provide practical guidance on interacting effectively and respectively with people with disabilities. To ensure comprehensive training programs, the library collaborates with disabled people’s organizations (DPOs) that focused on raising stakeholder awareness about the importance of reasonable accommodations and the universal design in public services.

On the other hand, the library's Efforts on enhancing its accessibility and inclusivity extend Further. Layanan Inklusi of Perpustakaan Jakarta dan Pusat Dokumen Sastra HB Jassin works together with disabled people’s organizations (DPOs) across Indonesia and special schools in Jakarta to host workshops, seminars, webinars, talk shows, and other events related to disability empowerment, involving individuals with various types of disabilities. Moreover, Layanan Inklusi also joins with government institutions to create podcasts addressing disability-related issues, accessible literacy, and reasonable accommodations. The team actively participates in inclusivity-focused events, such as attending the celebration of important disability awareness days and participating in inclusive exhibitions organized by other organizations/institutions. Perpustakaan Jakarta dan Pusat Dokumen Sastra HB Jassin contributes to provide reasonable accommodations by visiting disabled communities or special schools in Jakarta which need literacy access through the Layanan Inklusi’s outreach program called "Layanan Jemput Bola".

Furthermore, Layanan Inklusi collaborates with Petanetra, a youth community focusing on public buildings accessibility through augmented reality technology. This collaboration allows Petanetra to create room maps equipped with a voice-over program installed on blind users’ phone devices to access  the building of Perpustakaan Jakarta dan Pusat Dokumen Sastra HB Jassin and help blind library visitors navigate the library more easily.

With that in mind, libraries are expected to serve as knowledge centers for all, enhancing national education and promoting inclusivity. This goes beyond the way of providing accessible library’s collections; it involves leading activities that foster inclusivity and collaborating with the public to encourage best practices in public services, particularly for individuals with disabilities. Building on this commitment, Perpustakaan Jakarta dan Pusat Dokumen Sastra HB Jassin continuously learns how to fulfill the needs of the people with disabilities in literacy and makes efforts to meet the standards of accessible and inclusive library for everyone.